Monday, August 18, 2014

One Day More!

So this week it is!  
I am excited to show Dad all my pictures and tell him all about these people I have met and to go on a run with Mom and to drive to the gas station with Pearl and to watch Frozen with Gracie and sing all the songs and to play tiger vs. horse with Kai.  

This week we invited so many people to baptism . Among the group was our family!  They came ot church again and are being fellowshiped so well.  I love them so much and am so happy to see them progressing and growning in the gospel. 
It truly changes lives.

I love you all

Sister Brown

Monday, August 11, 2014

Here is an update on our miracles in Leipzig:

This week we met with a new investigator named B.  She is a student from China.  She is studying biology and we have a lot in common.  She is so ready for the gospel.  We met with her and gave her a book of mormon.  She told us that she has read the bible and prays often, but just doesn't know what religion is true.  She isn't too familiar with organized religion.  She prayed with us and then later we taught her the restoration.  She loved the DVD and was touched by the Spirit.  She asked if there was any way for her to become a "real" christian. We talked about baptism and invited her to be baptized on the 6 of september and she happily agreed.

She has since shared the gospel with  SO many people.  She has talked with her roommates and set up a meeting next week for us and some of her school friends.  We met her at bahnhof yesterday and she had already shared the gospel with the man sitting on the bench next to her.  When we showed up she was so excited and introduced us and asked if we had a book for him too. 

We also met with U.  She is an investigator that I started teaching way back in January.  Then she moved  and so now she is in the sisters 1 program.  When I was meeting with her she told us she could never join a church and that she didn't see herself ever visiting our services.  It was so cool to see how far she has come in the past  months.  This visit she had read in the book of mormon and we had a wonderful uplifting discussion abut the plan of salvation.  She is going on vacation for two weeks, but told us she plans to be on church the sunday she gets back!  She also talked about baptism and told us that she hasn't gotten an answer yet that it is a bad thing and that she could see herself making that step.

There is also an american couple here for the next month in Leipzig.  They prayed at the start of their time here and asked heavenly Father who they  could share the gospel with.  The face of a waitress at the restaurant they had eaten at came to both of their minds.  They didn't know how they would ever find her again, but then they discovered that she lives in the building they are staying in!  They have been working with her to invite her to hear the message of the restoration.

M passed the sacrament this week and it was a cool reminder of the progress he has made as well.  When the sisters found him on the street he didn't even believe in God.

I also heard from G, the convert we had who moved back to Rwanda, last week.  He told me that he has gotten the preisthood and a calling and is giving talks in sacrament meeting.   He is loving living the gospel and is so happy.  He is strengthening the growing church in Rwanda.  

We also just found out about a friend of a member here who just got back from an exchange student program in Nevada.  She stayed with a mormon family and has gained a testimony of the church.  We are meeting with both of them tomorrow.  

I had to abmeld this week, which basically means I had to go to the city hall place and tell them that I am leaving Germany.  Anyway they have a "take a number system" and it looked like it would take hours to wait.  We didn't have hours.  We needed to go teach the gospel.  Just as we were deciding what we should do, a man stormed out completely out of patience.  He threw his number at us as he stomped out.  His number was a lot sooner than the one we had just pulled.  We ran to an appointment and then came back JUST in time to hear our number called.  The abmelding process took all of 5 minutes and then we ran off to our next appoitnment.  It worked out perfectly.

We also had a musical number in 1 ward this week.  The other sisters played violins and I was the accompanist.  This is a new thing for me, but we all made it through.  Yet another miracle.  

I have never seen so many miracles!
I love and pray for you all.  

Sister Brown 

Monday, August 4, 2014

I seriously have 2 minutes left online. 
This week was good.  Our family came to church again and loved it.  They are reading in the book of mormon.  One of our investigators threw up in church.
and we are making the drit thing work.
i love you all
love hills

Monday, July 28, 2014

3 is a magic #

so we had transfer calls.  The good news is that I will be staying in Leipzig for these next three weeks.  The other news is that I will be in a drit... 3s are hard. 

We are moving into the other sister apartment so here is the new address in case any of you get a little crazy and want to send me mail...

Sister Brown

04105 Leipzig

Here is my uplifting pioneer thought for all of you:

I found a talk from President Faust called refined in our trials. In this talk he shares a story about a sunday school class that was critisizing church leaders for allowign the hand cart company to head out so late. Then a man stood up in the back of the room adn asked them to stop the discussion. He explains how hard it was, but then also how invaluable of an experience it was to him. 

"The price we paid to become acquainted with God was a privilege to pay, and I am thankful that I was privileged to come in the Martin Handcart Company."

What is the price we pay to become aquainted with God??

In the book of mormon there are examples of people who sacrifice to be a disciple. Amulek gives up his possesions and family and friend relationships. Lamoni´s father gave up his sins and was willing to give up all he had. In Alma 14 the believers give up their lives and are burned for their testimonies. Shiblon and Alma and Ammon and all of the many other missionaries were also persecuted as they served their missions among the lamanites.
It has just been interesting on my mission to take a look at what people are willing to give up in order to follow christ or do what is right and then to see all that they recieve back. I know that the Lord always blesses us and makes up for any "loss" when we are willing to sacrifice for Him.

We didnt really do much (anything) for pioneer day.  But we did make biscuits.  That is pioneery...

Have a good week!
Sister Brown

Monday, July 21, 2014


This week we saw so many miracles.  

*A man came up to us at a bus stop and asked if we could come over and teach his family.  We went over to set up a return appoitnment for this thursday.  He has three cute little kids!
* We went by a contact that we have been by a million times and this time she was home and let us in.  We talked about the Book of Mormon and made out another apporintment.
*We had a long bahn ride on a super hot day and we ended up in an air conditioned bahn.  (NEVER happens)
* We brought by a birthday card to a less active member and her nonmember husband let us in.  We were able to talk with both of them and had a nice visit.
*Yesterday was SO hot.  We were melting at church.  It was miserable, but then they canceled the rest of church after sacrament meeting!!
*We had to go to the bathroom really bad and were right by a member's house. We klingeled and they were home and let us use their bathroom.  It saved the day!
*We had to take a stress test this week and both of us ended up in the "green" zone :)
*Satruday night we went and bought döners from our favorite döner man and he gave us free drinks!

Have a good week!!  I love you all and hope you see miracles this week too!
Sister Brown

Monday, July 14, 2014

We are the Champions!!

Enough said.

Last night was CRAZY!  I can't even tell you. The game started after our curfew so we weren't able to watch it, but we got permission to watch it today!

We put on our jerseys and pajama pants and laid in our beds and "listened" to the game.  Between the neighbors yelling and the texts we were getting from  members we were able to follow the game pretty well.  We had pieced together  that it was going into over time and that no one had scored.  Then Germany scored. 

Sirens, yelling, music, fireworks, cheering, horns honking, bells, and all other manner of loud obnoxious noise making ensued for the next hours.  

It was crazier than New Years.  

Germany is a whole new place.  Everyone is SO happy.  We just need to hurry and bring them all the gospel before it goes away.  "Hey do you want to be this happy ALL the time?? Let us tell you about Jesus!"

What else happened this week??


We were supposed to have an appointment with a man at the church.  We waited and waited and then prayed that he would remember and come.  5 minutes later he came bouncing up the stairs.  

Prayer works!

A sister shared a story in sacrament meeting yesterday about the skaters in the east during DDR times and how people in the west would smuggle old boards in for them to use.  Who knew?

And then Germany won the world cup!

it was a good week
love you all
Sister Brown

Pday at the Leipzig Zoo

Monday, July 7, 2014

Rot Schwarz Gold

just kidding.  

this week it was red white and blue!

the problem was that germany played france on the 4th of july so that wasn't the most popular color combo around here... :)

here is a cool story from this week:
We had an experiance this week teaching our Indian family again.  This time we were teaching the grandma R.  We wanted to talk about God.  So we asked her some questions to find out what she believed.  Then we started to explain what God was and our relationship to Him.  She seemed to be understanding that He is our Heavenly Father.  Then we went on to explain that he loves and blesses us and that he is all powerful.  She had some  questions about the creation.  We explained that God and Christ created the people and the earth and the animals and the plants and the heavens.  She didnt understand the concept of heaven.  We tried our best to explain but she wasn't completely understanding.  

Then we had some inspiration!

The scripture story of Ammon teaching King Lamoni came to our minds becuase we had just studied it.   We turned to that chapter and were able to read together.  She understands better when we read straight from the book of mormon becuase it is in Hindi.  So she was able to understand it a lot better.  It was more clear and it bore testimony and backed up the converstaion we had just had. 
There is power in teaching with the scriptures!

24 And Ammon began to speak unto him with boldness, and said unto him: Believest thou that there is a God?

 25 And he answered, and said unto him: I do not know what that meaneth.

 26 And then Ammon said: Believest thou that there is a Great Spirit?

 27 And he said, Yea.

 28 And Ammon said: This is God. And Ammon said unto him again: Believest thou that this Great Spirit, who is God, created all things which are in heaven and in the earth?

 29 And he said: Yea, I believe that he created all things which are in the earth; but I do not know the heavens.

 30 And Ammon said unto him: The heavens is a place where God dwells and all his holy angels.

 31 And king Lamoni said: Is it above the earth?

 32 And Ammon said: Yea, and he looketh down upon all the children of men; and he knows all the thoughts and intents of the heart; for by his hand were they all created from the beginning.

 33 And king Lamoni said: I believe all these things which thou hast spoken. Art thou sent from God?

 34 Ammon said unto him: I am a man; and man in the beginning was created after the image of God, and I am called by his Holy Spirit to teach these things unto this people, that they may be brought to a knowledge of that which is just and true;

 35 And a portion of that Spirit dwelleth in me, which giveth me knowledge, and also power according to my faith and desires which are in God.

Sister Jensen wanted to go meet our neighbors.  So we made them cookies and took them around to the people in our house.  We must have picked a bad time becuase not many were home.  We just left the cookies on their doorstep becuase we had other things to do.  

the next morning we had a little sticky note on our mailbox thanking us for the "bagels".

We laughed so hard!

love you all!
have a good week and cheer for Germany!! 
Sister Brown

Fourth of July:

Singing patriotic songs
Playing chubby bunny. The germans had a hard time saying chubby bunny even before they had a mouthful of marshmallows. it was wonderful

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Rainbow Connection


So this week we saw a cool rainbow.

We also saw some miracles.

Our investigator M H came to church with her husband and N, the less active we are working with, brought two friends to church as well.  After church, S, the Elder's investigator, was baptized.  He had invited TONS of friends so we also met lots of new contacts there.  Lots of people coming closer to Christ at church!

We also found a "giving shelf" by the church. It is basically a bookshelf on the sidewalk where people can take or leave random unwatned objects.  It is a treasure trove.  We wrote our testimonies in a copy of the Book of Mormon and left it there.  We went back two days later and it was already gone!  We are excited to go put another one back and just keep praying that they will get to the people who need them most.

Sister Jensen and I played "I need thee every hour" in church and at the baptism yesterday.  That was another miracle.  It was just a miracle that I had a companion to do the musical number with.  We had made plans to do something with the other sisters and then they got transfered.  I had no idea what to do. Then came sister Jensen, who just happens to be a violin whiz!

We had crazy adventures tracking down a functioning violin for sister jensen and then we didnt really have practice time but it all worked out really well.  

We visited some less actives, celebrated a member's birthday, talked to people in bahns, and taught some practice first lessons with members.
It was a good week.
Ich hab euch Lieb!
Alles Gute
Sister Brown

Monday, June 23, 2014

So here is my new companion. 
Her name is Sister Jensen.  She is from Rochester New York and is barely 19.  She is wonderful and I love serving with her.  She is just so excited to work.  She wants to share the gospel with every single person that we see. 
She is very brave when we talk with people on the street and has great ideas about how we can find new investigators.  She won't sit next to me on the bahns and always looks for an empty seat next to someone so she can start up a conversation with them.  Then I find someone else to sit by and we do twice the missionary work :)

The very first question she asked me as we were getting on the train was what the plan was to do missionary work as we drove.  :)  We sat in a 4 seater and soon a man came and sat by us and that was that.  We talked for the next hour with him about the gospel.  
When we start these converstaions we never start out with the church. We  dont use our street contacting or dooring approaches.  No! We just sit down and talk with people.  The cool part is that it ALWAYS comes right back to the gospel.  It always amazes me how quick it happens.

"hey we are new in Leipzig and are wondering if there is anything that we should see while we are here." 
"You should see the zoo and the denkmal and Thomas Kirche.  What are you doing in Leipzig?"

"hey I am learning german can you tell me what _________ means?"
"yeah of course!  It means_________ . Are you studying here in Leipzig?"

so there's that.  just sharing the gospel.  in german.  

love you all
Sister Brown

Monday, June 16, 2014


This week I encountered that awkward moment when your DL gives you half a dozen red roses....


others include:

Getting a run in your nylons the first time you put them on.

Walking around on a windy day without flashing the entire city "garm alarms".

Awaiting the inevitable phone call to bring cookies to every missionary meeting ever.

Remembering what you wore last Sunday so the ward doesn't think you only have one outfit.

Figuring out how to wear a name tag and a shoulder bag on the same side.

Having to sit modestly because you are never in pants.

Layering leggings, two pairs of tights, thermals, and socks, all under a skirt in the winter.

Always losing keys, planners, phones, cards, and books in the black hole of a sister missionary bag.

Minimizing the appearance of the food baby after member appointments.

Creatively organizing combos of the same cardigans and skirts to get something you havent worn 70 times.

Calculating how 30 minutes of sport at 6:30 in the morning is supposed to combat the chocolate, eis, and döners. 6 months to sexy? try 6 years...

Deciding how many days without shaving is acceptable.... we are in Europe...

Walking around all day with a hand full of cards because of  a lack of pockets.

Answering the question, "How much clear nail polish can I paint on my nylons before they need to be thrown away?"

Enduring interrogations from members and others (president kosak) about elder crushes.

Deciding how many days in a row you can get away with wearing your favorite skirt.

Strategically planning what to wear to mission meetings where photos will be taken so your family and the mission wont think you only have one skirt.

Riding a bike in a skirt.

So there goes all my email time :)
Have a good week!
Love you all
Sister Brown

I found out this week that I will be TRAINING!!
I am SOO excited.
Miracles in Leipzig!!!
I have a video of it ,but too big to send
so here is a pic: