Meine liebe Familie,
Yesterday was amazing. How could it not have been? We got to SKYPE!!!!!!!!!!!
I love my sweet family and it was so fun to get to see them and talk with them.
We met K and M this week. They are a young married couple. Through a bunch of "coincidences" we ended up at the RIZ together and we taught him. He started out by telling us they were atheist and do not believe in God. Like we haven't heard that before...
We talked about God and shared with him what we believe. We shared that through prayer, we can all have our own relationships with Him. It was a really powerful lesson and the Spirit was there so strong.
At the end of the lesson we invited M to pray for us. He wasn't sure at first if it would work. Then his friend who introduced him to us bore his testimony. It was so powerful coming from his friend. Then M prayed. He told God he was thankful that He is there and that he now has the opportunity to learn more about him. He told us after the prayer that he felt really good. He just kept telling us how he never ever thought he could talk with God.
We made an appointment and met yesterday with him and his wife. We taught about the restoration. They had kept their commitments to read the BOM introduction and had prayed alone and together. They told us how good and happy it was making them. M told us that he just keeps thinking about it and wants to know more.
We committed them to baptism and they both accepted.
It was one of the coolest appointments of my mission.
It is really amazing to see the change that the Spirit and the gospel can make.Three days ago these two were atheist and now they are reading scripture and praying and want to follow Christ and be baptized.
It is watching transformations like that that make me love being a missionary!
English class is still going well. We have found some new students recently. We made it a goal this transfer to invite all of our students personally to take the lessons and give each of them a Book of Mormon. R said she would invite us over next week and U brings her book every single week to class and marks what we talk about. The other sisters are still meeting with T and he went to church this past week.
So there you have it.
I just completed a real email.
I just completed a real email.
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