Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hooray for MTC Laundry-Room Computer Photo Upload!


So it is time for me to share my favorite part of the MTC!

It is how often we pray.

I say probably 50 prayers a day and at least 15 out loud. Alles Auf Deutsch!

It is such a good habit to have.

I know that Heavenly Father answers my prayers, especially the little ones. Sometimes I just need help conjugating a verb or remembering a word for a lesson. The help I need is just a prayer a way.

A close second though is gym time.

I have started running again. Jeden Tag. It has been SO long since I have run regularly. It is so fun to have that part of my life back. I love it. It is fun to have some semi-alone time to think. It has been a great time to memorize the missionary purpose and the first vision. Plus with the 10 lap to a mile track the mental distraction is wonderful!

I am starting to love German. I think it is so beautiful. Call me crazy... I can't wait until I can speak better, but every day I am learning more and more.

However, there's still a long way to go.

There have been some funny moments in this German learning adventure. Once we were praying with an investigator and I prayed for us to have a "Gut Gemacht" (good job) instead of a "Guten Nacht" (good night). Then in a lesson with a different investigator I asked what he likes to do. He told me he likes to get drunk and party with his friends and I told him "Oh me too! That is so cool." Yeah no way to recover from that one...

I know so much more than I did a week ago though so progress is being made. I love my teachers. They are so patient and never tire of me asking for them to repeat what they say. It has been hard to be in a companionship where neither of us speak German. The other companionships have someone who took a few years. However, it is forcing us to both learn and be active in the lessons. It isn't an option for us to just rely on the other person's language skills. We just study flash cards, say some prayers, and then go teach!

Speaking of investigator adventures... We were teaching this one man in the same room every night. Then one night he wasn't there. We went on a search through the whole building to find him. We searched through three floors. Thank goodness for peepholes! Who loses their investigator!?! When we finally found him we were so excited we skipped down the hall.
Side note- They have asked the sisters to be lady like so skipping is not ok. Neither is dancing. I totally understand needing to keep the Spirit with us but it is a hard habit to break. Whenever I get excited or conjugate something correctly or say something that actually makes sense I just have a dance party. Ok well dance party might be a bit generous. It is mostly just me flailing my limbs around. Then the teachers remind me "Wir tanzen nicht Sister Brown!"

Well Valentine's Day was great! It was such a funny day in the MTC. We were eating Dove chocolates and the message on my wrapper was "Be your own Valentine." We hung it up because it made us all laugh so hard. Kind of a depressing message but perfect for missionaries!

Shout out to my doughnut sending friend too!

The sisters I was with were freaking out about the beautiful pink package with a bow and then when we discovered the doughnuts, people almost died!  Best. Package. Ever!

This week has been kind of overwhelming.

I just feel so inadequate.

I often feel like I can't do all of this.

However, I do have a testimony that my call came from the Lord. This is where my Heavenly Father wants me right now. He is over all. If He wanted a perfect German speaker, He could have that. If He wanted someone who knew Preach My Gospel in and out, He could have that too. But he doesn't. He wants me. Even if I never know what is going on. Even if I always get lost and slaughter my German phrases. He has called me to serve in Berlin Germany and will help me. I just need to have faith and keep trying.

So there's that!

Thanks for all the mail. I seriously love getting letters. It is my favorite part of the day.

The Elders who get the mail for us have harmonized a mail song because we all get so excited for that time! I love to see pictures and read how everyone is doing.

Thanks for the packages too.

However, know that treats are not required. After the Valentine's rush we have a treat pile to last weeks!!

Well, have a good week!

The Lord loves us!!
-Sister Brown
MTC Day #1: tag with dork dot
Sister Brown and Hansen
I realize I am pointing to like West Virginia in this picture. Whatever...

I love my district. The Elders are so great.  They always take our trays at meals and hold the door for us. Awesome! District unity!!

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